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Hello everyone! I wanted to take the time today to update all of my fine supporters with the progress for the game as it stands!

To summarize before we begin: This update will cover:

My progress with Art Assets, How the Opening of the Game and Character Creation will Work, the Troubles I expect to run into and how we'll handle the final vote regarding the main Heroine's design in the game!

Ahem. So,

Posted above is some work you have seen, and some that you have not! The first screen is the game's opening desktop, where most of the setting-type game options will sit. I want to create new art for everything you see, since most of it is alternate art from other projects that's acting as a place-filler for conceptual and testing purposes at the moment.

The second screen is the login screen for the Dating Website that you'll only (currently) access at the start of the game to set up your character and set up your first date. I'd like to incorporate it into your cellphone later so you can set up one-night stands or build possible relationships with some of the other students using it in-game at a later time.

The third screen skips the main page of the Dating site and hops straight to the Character Creation or, Dating Profile Creation screen. Again, Megan is being used here as a place-filler and most of the information is just to give you an example of what to expect from character creation.

Which btw, if you notice, is what I'm calling the F.E.T.I.S.H. system, hence the current placeholder name for the game.


Anyway, back on course: The Art Assets are coming along nicely, and I have minor animations created for receiving calls, logging in and just need a few expressions for the first character that you'll interact with: KIYONE MUSASHI.

Of course, I now need to either create a place-holder for the main heroine for game testing or finalize two more polls ASAP! (One poll to determine which body type for which species and the final poll for Patreon to determine what face for each girl and her clothes.)

Moving on: The Opening for the game revolves around you, as your character, sitting down at her desktop a couple of nights before school. You receive a call from Kiyone, MUSASHI, a representative of the University but still a first year like yourself. After some small talk, she'll have you log in to your account that she's already made for you and access the Dating Website. She'll try her best to motivate you to continue you, depending on your personality (Sorry, but you won't have a choice here in the end. I mean, how else will the game know who you are?! But I will do my best to be reasonable and not... "just reasons".)

After starting the process you'll notice that the questions are very... very, personal. Musashi will explain how your account works, and that it's a paid, BLACK account, which allows you to create and see students more... "personal" profiles. You can ask her why she spent money on this account for you after you finish creating it, which will lead directly into your first intelligence, charisma and (If you're a detective), deductive reasoning rolls. This will also be my first test for those global variables!

That's where I expect to spend most of my time to be honest: Setting Global Variables alongside maths and actually working that into some form of Combat System. Of course, the more backers I can manage to get, the more money I can hopefully collect to pay a programmer to help me program something a little more complicated for the Inventory and Combat systems. Until then, I shall do my best!

The Character Creation System will handle global variables (WHICH I do know how to do!) and your selections will be recognized for the lifetime of the game.

First OFF:

FEATURES: You'll select UPLOAD PHOTO which will pull up a list of photos with information alongside them. In the case of the first demo you'll see 2 photos: The Half-Demon and Human. Once you select a photo, the Features section will be filled in.

ETHER: These options dictate the core of your combat experience, or the role you'll play and how people perceive you at first (As Good, Bad, or Indifferent). Your Powers dictate their nature (Elemental, Physical, Spiritual), Your Primary is what gives you your power and how it reacts to it: Courageous/Passionate people will lose power if they are scared or humbled and burn opponents with every strike. Your character's weakness is more story-related. You can have an intense fear of cats or be so incredibly ticklish, that you cannot make conversation or charisma rolls... or be of any use during a captivity situation. Even if you're a tickling fetishist, this one may not be best for your character as she will be unable to even resist during story-events involving tickle torture and can't be blamed for giving up sensitive information.

TALENTS: These affect not only player stats, but character commentary. A Flexible character won't be hurt fighting intense bondage, has increased Agility and can overcome some physical obstacles that others can't with grace.

INTROSPECTION: Story & Event Modifiers, FLAWS: A blonde will have heightened intelligence, but terrible Luck. Did I mention that Luck will directly affect events in the story? FEAR: Anything that will cause your hero to flinch, possibly lowering all stats, unless countered by a Motivator or Inspiration. INSPIRATION: Raises all Combat stats momentarily. MOTIVATION: Increases Ether level for the duration of the event and counters FEARS and alters the effect of WEAKNESS.

SEXUALITY: Defines your fetishes, sexual preferences, whether or not you like bondage, Ticklish Spots and Erogenous Spots that make your girl laugh or moan... or both!

HISTORY: Occupation: A special selection that alters your destiny. There are roles for many characters to play, but the Occupation helps decide where you fit in your group of friends in-game. Basically, if you're the Fighter, you'll fill that role as the defender in your group. The Detective? You'll be solving the mysteries in your friends' lives. Example to follow. Your History will simply dictate where you come from and how you were seen there. A Highschool Legend is someone who was really popular for whatever their selected Occupation was before they come... so they're more likely to hear mention of it and be tested.






Over the course of the game, one of the first mysteries you'll discover is that somebody is kidnapping University students and that they'll be found days later, covered in sweat and bound in the girl's bathroom (regardless of gender). As the leader, you'll hear from the damsels in your group about their distress of possibly being a future target and be relied on to comfort them as you all investigate. The Detective will hear about it and be sent forward by the Leader of the group to discover what's going on... and look where nobody else will, possibly endangering him or herself in the process. The Damsels in the mean-time will try their best not to become victims while trying to help as well until of course, they are captured as well and must hold out and hope that their friends come to their rescue... or try and rescue themselves.

The Fighter will look out for the group and try to protect the Damsels as best he/she can. He or she won't know how to do much except fight, although not an idiot, just inexperienced in anything but fighting.

Any of these characters can become victims but as you might expect, that comes down to player choices to an extent. Since Damsels are damsels, they will be captured... regardless of how clever they think they are. The others can be as well, the detective having the option to be the most clever and possibly set up a trap which involves allowing her own capture.

Anyway, capture in the game would then move onto the BLACK SCALE:

There are four stats here used to SORT our characters:

SENSITIVITY: How Sensitive or Ticklish a character is overall.

OBEDIENCE: The point of which a character will give in to a person's demands.

RESISTANCE: The stat to determine at what point Torture takes effect on you.

TORTURE: The Level of Torture that a character can endure.

Which I'll explain in more detail at a later date. ^.^


I'm going to open a vote over on Deviantart so that we can get our Heroine's body-types selected for each Species (Human and Half-Demon) then I'll draw up two-three of the girls for each species and give my Patreon folks (You all!) The final deciding VOTE!

Thanks for your support friends! And please, spread the word!

I'm off for now! ^.^

(Give me all of your thoughts!!)

(PS: I'll post this to Deviantart Later to give everyone a better idea of what's going on IF that's alright! Let me know!)





Wow! Wow! Wow! I just love this post. Your idea with the f.e.t.i.s.h. is amazing. Cannot wait for the start and the next polls. You know what, your posts about your game are the best thing inm ydays so far :) Cannot imagine how much work you put into this, but I think it will be great :) Cannot wait for the personal characters ;)

M. Broguy

This looks so awesome! ^.^