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So, according to the poll, the winning decision is FF7R, while the majority wanted everything else but couldn’t come to a consensus.

My decision is to do more of a hybrid of the other styles and forego a more realistic style. There are several reasons pertaining to the game for this:

1. The game features a lot of furries, which I feel would be difficult for the modeler to put in without making them excessively edgy.

2. Finding a realistic look for Cass that would satisfy me is apparently impossible- and I feel not everyone would be happy because of that.

3. Upon finding a pic of a tall and short lesbian couple that are the same heights as Yoko and Cass... It was quite terrifying. Although both girls were extremely skinny and baby faced so it just made it so much worse than it should be.

4. I would totally be ditching my own style for the game. Which I don’t want to do at all.

I mean- I could do like artists like NECDAZ and use DAZ3D to use the character editor to make realistic versions of each character and just have the modeler do the feet. I’d save a lot of money that way. But I don’t want to do that... >.>

So I do apologize for getting carried away with the idea. But I spent all night looking for appropriate references for each character and it really just turned me off to the idea.

Anyway- in other news: The artist says he can do all the sole scrunching and such, even with cell shaded characters AND In-Game!

Attached is a part of the character sheet I’ll be sending him for catgirl Cass!!




Andrew Martinez

I like how her left arm is looking


Great consensus in my opinion. Well thought out, and I think it'll yield the best results truest to what you want to make


Nothing wrong with sticking to your guns.