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So, I just wanted to make this post to get everyone’s thoughts. Why? Well, It’s embarrassing but I overworked my eyes playing the FF7 Remake on a TV that was on the wrong settings, so I gotta spend several days with no phone or PC or TV to get them to recover. (Writing this makes me wanna hurl!) That and my mother broke her ankle last night!! So I’mma be pretty busy the next few days.

So- I’d like to hear from ya’ll in the meantime! As you know- I’m building a home over the next six months and will be starting a game studio with my wife. First- I need to sit down when the house is done and finish BOUND BY DUTY.

Then I’d like to sit down and focus on HIPFC! But first I’d like your thoughts on are what my major focus for you all should be.

See, currently I take the money I make here and I’ve been buying software to go 3D and even bought a few lessons. On top of that I’lo be using the money to hire a Japanese team to oversee the voice acting and music for HIPFC.

I’d also like to see about small clips of animation in the future, but that all depends on how well the Patreon support goes, etc.

Also, for all of you that DIDN’T play the Mistress Doomfire short I put out: There was a message from Yoko and Cass at the end of it for everyone!!! First of which was that I understand if you can’t continue to support me during the Corona Virus!!! So don’t stress if you can’t. I want you to take care of yourselves FIRST!!!

Anywho- give me your thoughts on what you’d like to see in the future. Same old same old? Or you all want me to push harder on doing some batshit crazy things?

Note: That your vocal motivation pushes me more than anything. I’m easily demotivated if I feel people have lost interest.



Kevin Jackson

Congrats on the future house! Setting that good up for myself as well. Much like you and your FF7R, I've been playing a lot of Persona 5 Royal, basically my second playthrough of Persona 5. I'd love to see some future work of the ladies from that game, like my girl Tae Takemi. Guess I'll commission that from you at some point.

Kevin Jackson

Scuse me. Goal* not good. Swype sucks sometimes.


Congrats it’s a long road ahead but a damn rewarding one. Personally I love HIPFC since I haven’t had the pleasure of reading Bound by Duty. I look forward to the games but at the moment I would very much like to read more of the comics.


Lol its been a true grind in time, no doubt, i really am looking forward to the end of BBD as well as HIPFC, stay safe and healthy man!


I’m super excited for bound by duties return and the continuation of HIPFC for two reasons. Reason 1 is I view you as an extremely gifted artist that I love to follow. 2 you are so storyline based which is not everyone’s forte. However, I am very storylike motivated when it comes to erotic literature or comics so yours I am drawn too at all times. The only encouragement I can give is keep being you. You are gifted in multiple facets and you get to share that gift with us!


Glad to hear you're doing well. I'd like to see the rest of the ideas on the $500 Goal list.

Curious Sellsword

I hope your mom heals up quick! And your eyes, too! I’m simple, I love the juicy tickle art hahaha, but I love when you add story to it! I look forward to Bound By Duty!!


I'm legitimately interested by every project you've presented so far! That being said, the HIPFC stuff is the biggest for me, and I'm incredibly stoked for the game. I'm also really really eager for more of the comic. It's legitimately the best blend of story and eroticism - they contribute to each other while telling an actual enjoyable story and I'd love to see more of it. Still, I'm very excited for the game, and I fully support the lengths you're going to ensure its quality.


Also, I got my fiancé reading the comic and she's loving it!


(Got so excited I forgot to mention the obvious; hope mom has a quick recovery and your family stays safe and healthy as always, and your eyes feel better!)