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What if I said that there would one day be a game, like say, Persona for example, where you fight in another world and make friends and go out with those friends and form relationships with him. Only now, unlike those other games, this game gets you sexually involved in those relationships?

This is what I will be working on as soon as I finish RUMBLE @ ShiaHana University: A game that takes place at this same university, but follows you and your choices as you go from student, to full fledged Medieval Space Cadet armed with Magical Ether Powers.

Think of it as an animated, visual novel that is driven by the choices you make and how you treat the friends you meet.

What you see here will be a full-color image from the first part of the game: A Dating Website, where you can choose, or not choose, your first life-long partner in the game (Or not so life-long).

Megan Black will be the first girl I'll demo, but the game itself will feature Tickling, Sex, Spanking and well, whatever else my Patreon chums suggest, since all testing and Alphas/Betas will go to you, my Patreon users first.

Anyway, I'll make a more official post about that later! For now, I'm off! Tchuss!



M. Broguy

In full she looks even more lovely, good Sir! ^.^


Wow! The art is amazing... as everytime. And your idea with the game is wonderful. I like that :)


Can't wait to play this game!

Andrew Martinez

if this becomes a game I'm on board


Why thank you my good sir! I've got a few more pinups of her to do actually. Looks like my first game demo might not be too long off afterall!


Danke! I'm hoping to hit you all up with the first build sooner than expected but... We'll see. ^.^


I can't wait to start animating the Ticklish Bits! >:)