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So, as it says: I'm not dead yet.

To catch you all up to speed: I'm still working on the Isekai. This means a great many... MANY things. First off- a lot of the technical glitches that you saw in the demo all stemmed from one major issue: My complete and utter ignorance pertaining to all this newfangled 3D stuff. So I stopped and took a step back to figure out why some things ran slower than others and to work on something very, very important: OPTIMIZATION.

Nobody wants to play a game that keeps telling their Video Card and RAM to go and eat shit.

So, I watched some videos and realized that things were NOT visually being represented for me the same way it was for everyone else.

This was due to my using inappropriate versions of software with other even more outdated software.

What this lead me to do is: I played around with the most STABLE versions of UNITY and lined up all the software I wanted vs NEEDED and decided to go with the most recent version. This means waiting one week while one of those needed pieces of software gets updated to function with this version like everything else. (It was promised by the devs to be this week, which means: Next week.)

I'm also looking in Taiwan for a freelance 3D Modeller to do some better modeling when I can maybe afford it.

I can do a great deal of this myself but- I am still one guy, with one good (Also scar tissue filled) lung right now.

On top of THAT, I'm talking to a Japanese singer about doing an opening theme because that would be fucking rad and I fucking want that! (If you know any for hire, let me know and I'll talk to them too!)

In the meantime however, I have greatly improved the physical beauty aspect of the landscape in the game (Which I must now rebuild, but ce la vie) and have discovered a far superior method for boob, hair and clothing physics that is actually devoid of clipping!!

Not to mention that I may be able to rig a rather impressive combat system with a great ability system and possibly character leveling and STATS!!! THIS HAS BEEN PARTIALLY TESTED AND FUNCTIONS!!!

I am also looking into changing character clothing and weaponry, but I don't really see that as a necessity going forward, since the real focus will be on the study of gang tickling animations and the game mechanics that go with that!

I am however thinking of scrapping the idea of swords being drawn from the hilt. Since it just seems like a time sink. (Apparently an easily solved time sink... but a time sink nonetheless!)


The VISUAL NOVEL >IS< being worked on in the meantime. 

But, due to my health causing delays and Voice Actresses/Actors dropping off the grid (Meaning I'd be changing main cast member's voices from episode to episode), I'm going to make the game a silent one. That or try hiring from Japan, since they really REALLY aren't squeamish about doing fetish or porn voice acting. They just want that cheddar.

I'll also be foregoing the Cassandra's Fiction portion (FOR NOW), since the emphasis of that part of each game WAS the VOICE ACTING!!! - But I wanna finish out the first episode and post that with all of the Voice Acting I DO HAVE for you guys, because Cassandra's Voice Acting is just fucking awesome, and the VO is still super supportive!

In the meantime I'm focusing on the art aspect of the VN. With more unique character poses  for different expressions and Still images for important cutscenes and fetish scenes!

My HOPE is to get enough of this done so I can catch up to and pass the in-comic storyline in about two-three episodes, and start releasing an episode every two weeks.

Which should hopefully have us finishing out the first two arcs within just over a year's time! Or so I hope! 8)

THEN, we can talk about Voice Over work again.

So basically that we'll mean I'm testing the waters to see if I can manage consistently releasing the comic as a Tickling Fetish VN- IF YOU GUYS WANT.

Anywho, that's all for me. Now I'm gonna take like... 2 hours of me time.




Cameo Man dave

Amazing stuff man! Hoping you get better soon!


Thank you! I'm doing my best! x-x Last night I worked with two devs to integrate a text function into the Visual Novel. They were super helpful and got me ready to go!!!