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So, a while ago, I had a Japanese artist: Tickle Love, request a collaboration with me, of all people! I totally jumped on it, because I love One Piece, and I love his stuff. However, I made the mistake of mentioning this in my chat. Not long after that, he started ghosting me. Which has gone on since before September. My only conclusion being that: Someone in my chat, likely said something to him.

Now who would do such a thing? Well, the most likely suspect is the same person that is my personal devoted troll: Dragon-Cana-Love / DarkLordZeta Who even just a day ago, popped into my DISCORD chat (as "y4hl-random guy#396") and did his usual whining that lead to his probably third? Fourth? ban from my chat. And he had even managed to maintain good behavior for maybe... two months under this new account? (Aside from continuing to troll me as "DarkLordZeta" on Pixiv during that time.) And as usual, he came back under a VPN/ new device as "MoviesANDPizza#9404" to leave a long, petty, wall of text before immediately logging out. 

His familiar bitch tactic. Which he has done several times, alongside another artist we all know. But his rant had no baseless accusations about being anti-transgender, so that narrows it down.

Anywho, my two attempts to clear the air with Tickle Love have been ignored, since before September. So if anyone could pop him a message to see what's up, etc etc- I'd greatly appreciate that.

Note: He did originally speak to me in English.

Tickle Love's Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/25804928



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