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So, a long time ago in the far distant past of Tickling Art, there was a young man that found himself lost and confused in the great wilderness that is life, and... the internet.

Back, BACK!  to the very dawn of what would then be called the LOLCat ( June 2006 - Google it.) and sometime around the Hamster Dance maybe, the internet was an ever evolving... 'thing' and Oekaki (Michael) was an ever devolvi- evolvering; I can't even type it (Seriously.) - person possibly: Michael discovered something that would change his life forever! A Japanese Oekaki-Board!

What Oekaki Board in particular might you ask? Well, Michael doesn't remember, but the point is that this would be the very place where he would complete and post his first piece of Tickling Art!


As you might imagine this was pretty rad stuff for Michael, and after doing two more (Well, possibly two - Michael could only find one other on his hard drive) and featuring Mai Shiranui and a catgirl, Michael began talking about himself in the third person, bought an art book filled with Bristol paper and drew and inked his first official Tickling Art in 2008!


While this was not his first time doing digital coloring, MIchael is still happy to report that the work survived his efforts!

After posting this to the Tickling Media Forum (http://www.ticklingforum.com/index.php), it was then posted as the Pic of the Day by the Staff, which inspired Michael to a great extent. So, out of the joy of his work, he continued on to his next two pieces:

Super Ticklish Princess Peach:


The Tickling of Miss April O'Neil:


The first was out of his love of gaming and the second was well, inspired by what inspired most everyone else's Tickling Fetish... April's Tickling by Don Turtelli in the original TMNT cartoon back in the 80s. That shit was on-point.


Michael was surprised to find that people actually liked his work! They liked it a lot! Problem was, Michael was taking way too much time with the commissions he started getting (At least by his standards) so he decided it was time to go digital!

So that same year (2008), Michael purchased an HP Tablet computer (Model escapes me atm... I mean, escapes Michael atm...) and devised his first digital commission:


This made Michael very nervous because he knew that his lines would not be the same and worried that his commissioner would not like what he was receiving. Luckily, Michael was wrong and the Commissioner was very happy with his work and requested a revenge picture as well:


From then on Michael just continued doing Tickling Art, cranking out sketches, difficult new angles and doing his best to make sure that no two pictures are too similar in any way (Because that would be boring!) and even dated a female fan from the community in 2010, which turned out to be a horrible, horrible idea as the entire thing fell apart when her grandmother said he was using the internet to control her... over the internet... I guess like, a mind meld or something or like that one time Michael demanded that she walk home safely? Anyway... so things were said between her and Michael's fans for some reason... He's still very confused about the whole thing. The point is, if you ever decide to date someone over the internet... be cautious and just be a little more mindful than you would with a person that's right in front of you. That is all.

In 2012 Michael then said "Fuck it. I'm going to make a comic." So, he did just that and released BOUND BY DUTY, Issue 01 of 5 which was met with overall quietness, but people were buying it... so I guess that means it did good.

Anywho, Michael released several more issues after that but was unable to complete the issues due to some personal problems that began erupting like bloody fireworks - which lead to him joining the Military in 2013. It was during this time that he received a deal from MTJ Publishing to digitally publish his works on their website.

Excited by this new idea, Michael signed on and they went ahead with it!


(Comics can be purchased here: http://mtjpub.com/publications.php?author=46)

Unfortunately, being extensively trained and on the up and up in his physical training means Michael has had little to no time for art, and on top of that Michael managed to get married in 2014! (WTF?!) It's cool though, don't freak out, the wife's cool with my gallery and actually wishes I was just doing that instead of being on standby to go fight the good fight.

And might Michael point out that the physical training leads to more muscle mass which pushes your nerves to the surface and more cardio leads to more blood flow which means nerves that are more sensitive? Science! Gotta love science.

So, coming to the end of our story (For now), Michael is now sitting in the U.S. Military, working on a Kickstarter he began in 2015 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2142906829/adult-rumble-shiahana-university-01) so that he might continue his career in Tickling Art and return to what he loves doing best: Drawing girls and women getting the joy tickled out of them whether they like it or not.

Here's to 2016 being a good year!




Thomas wayne

This as such an interesting read! Bound by duty was my first and favourite tickling comic, loved the story and art pure brilliancy.


Aw. Thanks much! I'm planning to continue it (Jim, the publisher is about ready to choke me) and I've already got the next one planned out (have for a WHILE now!). Our victims are: Lady Bow and a Sexy Gothic Genie! Before that I'll be doing a free webcomic with the BBD girls and some girls from my kickstarter. Will be a New Year thing! ^.^

Thomas wayne

That sounds incredible! Can't wait to see the end product! Happy new year!