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Originally I wasn't going to post anything until the entire working demo was complete. But, seeing as how you all continue to support me, I thought it only right that I show you where my time with art has gone this week!! (I've animated all of the actions you see above! Just... not the walking animation yet!)

Back when I was in College, I designed and built a game as a team of 1, and it took about 10 weeks (according to my progress file that I found from back then)... and I'm thinking I can do a remake of that in less time than that! (I was working two jobs at the time, outside of going to school and taking commissions.)

And yes, I know- I have the Visual Novel awaiting it's completion, but please understand that the Visual Novel will be a free gift... and I really REALLY need to get my wife a nice house. Which takes priority before all else. So I've got to make something I can sell on any and all platforms available to the public.

Also, to avoid the whole, "Jumping from project to project" thing that I know I am guilty of: I picked up a project that was left uncompleted as a student project. So I already have the project planned from start to finish. I've also grabbed the Unity engine and already purchased everything I need to create every last bit of the game.

I'm already invested, and I've put my wife in charge of making sure I get this shit done. Why? So I can make more money, get a house and finish the VN and start a gaming studio.

I'll admit that I've never been really motivated by the need for money. I may or may not have talked about the kind of people I've known in the past and what going from being poor to being rich did to them in a scary short amount of time. But, this is for my wife- to get her a house. So I'm going to get this done.

Yes, I know one does not simply make a game and buy a house. This is how you START though, and this is the hardest part.

So I hope you all understand.

I'm going to get back to HIPFC on the weekend, and sketch out more commissions.

Until then, I'll be hand animating Ori and all of her friends and enemies, which are already outlined in a Game Design Document I still have handy!

The game is a randomly dumbass comedy that makes fun of everyone and everything and is filled with stereotypes but isn't designed to ruffle feathers. It's meant to be fun and enjoyed by everyone at the same time. This isn't quite South Park or Family Guy levels of insulting.

I copywrote everything way back when (I also still have the sealed documents locked up still!).

The Project is a sidescrolling platformer where you take control of Ori, an unstable Asian girl in America that begins rampaging through the neighborhood on her way to put a whoopin on the local comic store owner for putting a ban on her favorite weeb comics! Things quickly escalate to monumental proportions for everyone when she angers local mobsters, otherwise peaceful organizations and eventually the entire US of A on her black and blue path to right a continuing series of perceived wrong-doings!

I should note that Ori is totally off her rocker. Her mind having mentally snapped after years of studying too hard under strict Asian tutelage.

== I'd show you all the video for the game I did in school, but someone hacked my old youtube a year ago and replaced it with an AGE OF CONAN Video.==





I love the balance in your work. You're far from a one trick pony, and I respect you a ton for that. You're right, these things take steps, and I'm super excited for whatever that entails!


This sounds awesome man. Wish you the best of luck and take your time on everything :). Your life and your wife’s comes first. Get that house!