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Commissioned by RAYEARTH~!


It's Sailor Pluto in the clutches of Darkness, falling prey to Kaolinite, leader of the Death Busters. Much to Kaolinite's amusement, she's found the Sailor Scout of Time to be as sensitive as she is stubborn. She watches in silence as the Scout struggles against her dark restraints.

Believing she is alone, Pluto does her best to hold in her aroused laughter, reaching out for any means of escape. She fears that allowing herself to continue laughing outright may draw Kaolinite back... causing a more terrible, hands-on torment to resume.


This was a lot of fun, but I may hold off on FULL COLOR for a while after I finish the current set of commissions. It takes more and more time, because I'm employing more and more detail.





Wow! Even more color incoming! Cabt wait for that!


It looks great, your coloring work is awesome