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Wife and I have FINALLY started procuring our first HOUSE!!! which means our deal is now in play! We shall be starting our jointly owned and run: GAME STUDIO!!!! So, what should we focus on as our first game project?

Multiple answers are perfectly acceptable!

I already have a few projects in mind! So, base your decision on what you’d like to see most!


Kevin Jackson

Congrats on the new house!


So exciting!! I hope you both love it, this is great news!


First off, congratulations! Secondly, you asked me to leave my thoughts soooo... I voted Fetish, RPG and Romance. HIPFC Isekai? >.>;;;;


Okay, so now that I can press shift+enter and I'm not on my mobile, lemme explain myself a liiiiiittle better, shall I? I know I am the biggest mark for HIPFC, but the rest of us can forgive even the flimsiest of pretexts for "sucked into a video game". Cass being Cass has got to have the HIGHEST END in geek entertainment that Yoko won't bat an eyelash at. Whether you choose to do legit sucked in or comatose and drooling, you can easily accomplish a starry-eyed Cass roping Yoko into playing her new Ultra(Tickle blocked by a convenient thumb) Adventure Quest 5000™. Kira being Kira will nose her way into the party and Cass will get her arm twisted into allowing a third party member rather than an NPC. Finally topping us off, Kawagishi will stumble in to clean, see what's going on and get one of her fits of boldness after being blatantly ignored and wanna see what all the hype of this, "new fangled gadgetry" is. This group and their own personality traits practically lend themselves to a wonderful old school RPG build. Yoko as the tanky Fighter annihilating anything in sight while protecting her allies. Cass being the meek and meager Mage until pushed by Yoko coming under harm and blasting away everything in sight. Kira. Rogue. We're done here. And Kawagishi steps in to clean up the messes and support everyone as the Healer. Just think of all of the outlets you can explore with the four of them outside of their elements like this! Especially once they realize they can't pull the plug. And ESPECIALLY if you go the route of it being an EROGE game and Cass pulling wool over Yoko's eyes! We get to see conflict between the two of them! The possibility for character development in these intense situations and even outside of them. Just to see them interacting in everyday life. Because again, speaking from a personal standpoint, some of the things we don't see in the comic is the down time. What would a fireside chat at night BE LIKE between Cass and Yoko? What sort of mischief could Kira drag Cass into in the middle of a village to try and "toughen her up" or just "stir the pot"? Exactly how DOES Kawagishi deal with these situations, because it feels like she would be the best suited of the three to be in a more down to earth environment? Just throwing my two cents in there, boss. I am so excited for you both to be getting this new place! Congratulations!

Chad Frasemer

Congrats on your new house Mike! =) For the game studio, I'm thinking more along the lines of horror. ^^


That's a huge step. Congrats to you both!


How about FPS?


Good point! (Might actually be our first 3D project. Will keep everyone updated!)