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I know a few people have demanded that, if I'm gonna have a shop, I need some stuff with Kira! Because Kira is Laifu!

Anywho, this is my first design for Shirts and Zippos, etc.

As for how the store itself is doing: I don't think it's sold anything (I don't even know how to check analytics - so I actually have no idea!) BUT! I'm gonna keep making shit anyway. Because... and this may be childish: But I think it's pretty neat! And once I make a little more money, I'm gonna buy a tanktop or two for myself!

You'll know when I post selfies of my own shit. Which may make me a loser but, hey... there it is.

I'll also figure out how to properly advertise and such LATER- because I really want there to be more variation and for the site to be more professional before I do that.

For now consider the shop a work in progress and a hobby.

And no- the zippos haven't been posted yet. They are still under review.






One thing to consider is there has to be some way to perma sticky a link or work up a logo for the shop. Right now if anyone missed the post with it, lol they dont know about it