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So, we just traveled back to the states! I woke at 7am to get crackin’ on the HIPFC VN Ep 01- buuuut my wife’s PC imploded and decided that booting was no longer an option. As such, she needed my big hulking desktop PC to work. I spent hours trying to get that shit working, but- I’m starting to think it’s a hardware concern.

I’ve been unable to work on the VN because of it, but we have an appointment tomorrow to get her laptop fixed.

After that’s done, we’ll be back in business. So I’ll keep ya’ll updated and post that damn episode in it’s completion ASAP!!!

Apologies for the delay!!!





thanks for the update! even if its not the best news, it's good to have an idea where it sits

Knight of the Round

*starts drinking to cope with delays*....No worries, as long as you and the wifey are happy and healthy, then we can patiently wait.