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So FIRST: concerning HIPFC, the Visual Novel, I'll be able to get back to finishing that up when I get stateside again mid August. I kind of ran out of country without all of the recordings for the voice acting, etc.


Aside from that, I'll just get to the confession: I'm feeling pretty down. ie: depressed.

There are times when I consider putting my pen down, deleting my Discord and just moving on to something else. I don't because, that's just crazy- I enjoy doing what I do.

But it was made worse while I was sick. Because during that time I got into FFXIV and joined a community (GUILD) without telling anyone who I was, etc etc. They were incredibly talkative (Like me!) and supportive and... I felt a lot more welcome there than I have "here" in a very long time.

See, I host a Discord because I'm a very social person. And at first the chat was booming! I had like, 3 rules. Be over 18, no pedo shit (Lolis included) and be respectful. And a lot of people really couldn't follow those three simple things.

Not only would they break the rules, but they'd always push the envelope every time I gave them a warning. Yes, I knew once I banned them I'd be slowly killing my own chat. But these were very simple, very important rules and I don't regret enforcing a one.

And I thought, maybe it was just me- maybe I was the problem. That nobody wanted to talk to me. But then I hear CAB is up and leaving, who makes a post talking about the same thing: That nobody talks or comments anymore.

You have to understand that I'm already a very social person. But the community is either silent or quickly gets overrun by a belligerent few.

And when I get rid of those types, and I'm left with the good people- I'm left with nobody to talk to. I've tried making posts to invite people to play games with me, hang out, chat... but the only ones who ever wanted to even STREAM with me were people who wanted something FROM ME. Can't we just, talk?

So my wife asked, "What do you want to talk about?" I dunno, normal stuff? How your day was? Dumb stuff. Bullshit. But nobody wants to do that anymore. They wanna talk politics, and upset each other and spread hate because they can't possibly understand why anybody could think anything different about some political figure or Deity.

I don't really wanna talk fetish talk, which is one of the reasons why I don't join any of the fetish chats. That and I can't be in any fetish chats that have underage users (And oh yes, they actually DO tell you they are underage- otherwise you would never be able to know!). And people think this isn't a big deal- but DISCORD thinks it's a big deal. Otherwise they wouldn't have a rule stating that ANY chat known for having underage users can be shut down at any time.

Anyway... I stopped playing FFXIV after flying to Taiwan and honestly, I'm afraid to go back. I had too much fun and I felt too welcome there (But I keep telling them I'll come back... because I really- really want to.). It's just that I'm REALLY TRYING to get back into my "Groove" that I had going before I got sick. When HIPFC was consistently updated and I was mostly content.

Plus ya'll give me hella mixed feelings. Because so many of you stayed and supported me while I was sick, even if you said nothing. And I can't forget that.

So I don't know. I just don't freakin' know.


Anyway, to make myself feel better I spent the weekend just cranking out sprites for the GANT Kinetic Novel. Some of them you may recognize from the comic pages I've done. It kinda helped.

Also there's the latest commission I'm working on as a WORK IN PROGRESS on the end.





Thank you for being so open and many of these feelings you have are reflected often in the community. I know for myself, personally, I struggle with having normal conversations with anyone in the fetish community or finding people not fueled by politics. Kinda the reason what I dedicate so much of my time to Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar, two tabletop strategy battle games, because it allows me to be around people that are like me, though not in the fetish way. Really though, at the end of the day, whatever is best for your mental health is best. I know, I personally, love your work and always have but know how difficult it can be to find people to socialize with in a relevant way when so much of your time goes to this work, I am also a part time author so leaving the house is difficult for me lol. If you ever want to chat with someone about everyday life, literature, art, rpgs, gaming, nerdy stuff in general I’d be more than happy to actual get the chance to talk with someone about it with no fetish connotations. :) Stay strong good sir. And do what is best for you at the end of the day :)

Knight of the Round

As one of your silent supporters, let me start by saying I’m sorry that I hurt you with my silence. I first discovered your art back when I was 17 (sorry again for the underage discovery. I’m 22 now if it makes it better). I was trying to come to terms with having this kink, always thinking I was weird. Through supporting you on Patreon, you and other artist showed me you could be a normal person with normal problems and more than just a kinkster or an artist. Every time I got an email saying you made a new post, I was thrilled whether it was about Gant, HIPFC, or just letting us know that you are jet setting off to Thailand. It was just cool reading about your life’s narrative. With the illness, I was sending my hopes and well wishes even though there was no post to accompany it. I guess what I’m trying to say in a less rambling way is thank you for everything you do as a person and for the community. Even if you decide to close down shop, please keep your patreon open. I would like to continue donating as a way of saying thank you for sharing your art, for being yourself, and for opening up to us. I’ll always be a fan!


Well, for starters, I guess I don't really pay attention because I'm just finding out you have a Discord! Wow! I'll have to join up, then! In any case... yeah dude, you're singin' my song, it gets real, real hard. I actually did shut down everything and walked away from social media about... I wanna say a month and a half, two months ago now? But, I kept Patreon up and just lurked and made a new Discord so I could just do the same because I felt everyone was just really cliquey. What can I tell ya, Paranoia is a weird date. My dude, me personally, I've learned a lot from you as a writer, as a creator and it hurts me to see you struggle. I feel like that goes beyond the realm of "fetish stuff" anyway. That's why I've never really viewed your comic that way. It's why my wife and I both read it, we compare it to one of her Yaoi shows we watch together. It tells a great story and just happens to fall under a certain genre. I'll never forget how I felt reading everyone's back stories in town or hearing Cassandra saying, "I'll never call her Mom!" I am gonna be selfish for a second and just be a huge dork, though. You make me want to be a better writer, my dude. There, I said it. This started out as a commiseration/supportive post and ended up a HIPFC appreciation/fanboi post instead... Not a one of us will fault ya for doing what it takes to make yourself happy, you DO understand that, right? Just know that it takes a ton a guts to share with us what you're going through. Double tough that you're basically on the rocks about stuff right now. But just know that we're still around because we support ya and we want ya to be happy. So, be happy in what ya do and we'll love ya anyway, ya big galoot.


Speaking for myself only, I'm extremely socially inept. Interacting with other people is an incredible challenge to me. I secondguess, third guess, fourth guess, and then often just delete and leave feeling useless. Every time I reply to a post on Patreon or on DA, it's because, for a moment, I'm pushed hard enough that I make myself set aside all my anxiety to give something back, even if it's just a brief compliment or a quip. So, just know that just talking to you, right now, is the hardest thing I've done today, but it's the only way I can think of to let you know that you're appreciated. If you're looking for someone to have a conversation with who takes ten minutes to give you a one sentence reply, then I'm your man. :-) Also, a suggestion. Avoid the downward spiral. Don't feel down about feeling down. You cannot help how you feel, and articulating your feelings shows you have already spent some time considering them. Sometimes, just knowing why you feel something is sometimes all it takes to turn a corner. Other times it can take longer. Or require acceptance that in one aspect of your life, you'll find certain needs met, and in other aspects, you find others. For instance, you may find in a guild dozens of people who will talk to you and scratch that itch for social interaction. But would that guild offer to support you financially through the rough times? Likely not. Again, that's not a way of saying "you got money, makes me boobie art!", that's saying that the people here express their concern, compassion, and support in a different way, perhaps (as in my case) the only way they can. I don't know if that helps or not, but personally, there is someone who I think showed the kind of positive attitude I wish I had more often, about refusing to be kept down: https://www.deviantart.com/michaelscottcannon/art/Bikini-Cass-won-t-be-stopped-804648976

Jake J.

Sorry to hear that stuffs taking such a toll on you right now. Hopefully things pick up soon 😁 Also, FFXIV is the good shit. You should definitely go back.

Chad Frasemer

Hang in there Mike, things will pick up.


I wonder... if its just working in the fetish medium.. especially one that has grown from being a handfull of artisit to quite a few that factors into people communicating less.. the bigger the community becomes the less interpersonal it feels, people view you as less of a cool buddy and view you more as a business or corporation... theres certainly an art to it


I've noticed this community is FULL of lurkers, or some form of beggar (i.e. free art). People really don't talk much at all anymore. Aside from a handful of wonderful people; I've noticed that for the people who I do get talking to me, a lot of times they either want something (just as with you) or they say they're afraid to talk too casually because how they admire me. I'm flattered that people like my art, but that doesn't change that I'm still just a person....maybe that's part of what's going on for you, too? I try to pop in and check on you and be social, life just has been going shitty and stressful recently so I haven't been social at all. (fighting my own depression and health issues -- we're mirroring! LOL) But know that it's not out of lack of interest in you or care! I've been fighting with the whole trying to make time for gaming thing too, but I also have the added suckiness of being too poor to buy any of the ones people want to play. :\ As for the whole art vs FFXIV thing... why not both? You feel welcome there, you have fun and socialize... why not let yourself enjoy that? You don't have to dedicate 100% of your time to the projects. Set aside a couple of days to work on commissions/comics/etc, then have a few days of play and socializing. Ultimately you need to do what's best for yourself. You NEED that socialization and freedom, you NEED that happiness. But you also love what you do. So don't let yourself feel that you have to sacrifice one or the other.


apologies if it is off putting...but for me at least I'm mostly busy with work and just look in when I can...so my personal lack of conversing is mostly time based. That being said Very happy to hear you have made a comeback from all that shit that was going on! Even if I'm not talking much...got you bro...also 100% right on sticking to your rules.


I'm sorry to hear about the depression and what you've gotten (or haven't gotten) from those in this community. Honestly, I myself never looked much into this community to find that sort of connection; I've always kind of kept it decently separate from my social life, with maybe a hand full of cross-over connections. Having said that, I don't believe it's impossible to merge the two more. Though we all know how toxic some of the people can be... But it seems like you truly do have a strong following of people who are genuinely interested in more than just your artwork, which is a great sign! It's good to have people in your inner circle/community that you can talk about more than just fetish related stuff to. That kind of single minded conversation can be maddening and just plain boring. I'm not a Final Fantasy guy, never owns a playstation growing up, but if you ever want to chat video games in general, definitely hit me up!


Standard disclaimer that I don't know how much this will help BUT I suffer from depression and other mental health issues. It's mostly in check! But I'm also a very social person who has felt conflicting things about participating in communities. I either feel like an imposter or out of place if I find people through a fetish community, similar to what you said. I can honestly say that I see you as a person first. You make art that I really like, but that's not all you are. For all the disrespectful people that may see things that way, you're still a complete, multifaceted person. I've been that person many times that just wants to chat about my interests and stuff but can't find an outlet. If you can pm me through patreon I'd be happy to be a pen pal of sorts - hell, I've even been knee deep in XIV myself. At least Yoshi P understands that MMOs shouldn't require 18 hours of daily play to be enjoyed, otherwise I'd never get anything done! :)


Thank you! And yeah... I totally get it. And I really appreciate that I’m not just a pervy art funnel for you. ^.^; So if you ever want to FFXIV with me- I’d totally be down for that!! But who is Yoshi P?


Thanks so much for the reply! I’m thankful for your support and... yeah, I know not everyone looks in this community for this sort of thing. It’s just different for me since I contribute so much to it as an artist and spend so much time thinking of storylines for it, etc.


Thank you! It’s been a rough go- but I’ve somehow managed to pull through all of this crap. And I know not everyone has time to be on here. Hell, it’s taken me time just to reply. Even so, I really appreciated the time you did take. 8)


I always appreciate the time you take for me Nuci! And I’ll be sure to bug you and your hibby more on Discord! 8)


Ugh. I hope not. I’m one of the cheaper artists. On top of that I’ve noticed some artists putting in less than half the work are charging 2-3 times as much. In just their Patreons alone. So I can only HOPE people don’t see me as a business. x-x


Thanks man! Things already are! Starting with you guys and gals!


Things have ever since reading ya’lls messages! If you play FFXIV let me know! We can definitely join together! 8)


I have to say that this message really REALLY helped when I was down. I mean, if it was hard for you to even take the time because of the pressure felt- what right did I personally have to not try my best too?


Thanks man. It’s really your posts and one other guy’s on Deviantart that get me super pumped up to keep doing HIPFC! You’ll spot the other fella by the long and articulate breakdowns he does on almost every page!!! My wife and I refer to him as “essay-kun” after another guy by the same nickname on Kissanime.


I think this is the message that may have made me cry some. Anyway- thank you. I really appreciate the time you took to help me out. I’m gonna stick around a bit longer and keep doing what I do! I wouldn’t dream of collecting anything from anyone without trying to give something back!