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Alright! So after going back over HIPFC (THE VISUAL NOVEL), I am reminded that everything is done for the most part! I just have an absurd amount of recorded voice lines to manually split up and choose from (several hundred!!!) to put into the game. As well as a few backgrounds that need a little more detail and bugs that need squashed!!!

As for my GANT comic- I have decided to, at the suggestion of our local Nucifyrne! To make it a Kinetic Novel. Which is basically a Visual Novel with zero choices whatsoever that simply plays out the story like a super fancy picture book!

I’m going to do this in my spare time! (Like I was secretly doing the comic, until I realized that I don’t know if I have 5+ years to finish it!! 10+ when you think about how little I get to work on it.)

The top image is me seeing what sprites would look like if I can squeeze in the time for it. Which I have to, since it’s been my dream comic/story ever since I was really young.


The thing is, with a Visual Novel I could add gameplay and a player OC to keep it interesting even if my writing faulters.

But I’d lose the essence of the story. Terri is the protagonist, not any other player character. It’s pivotal to the story that it remain all about her choices and nobody else’s.

And as a Kinetic Novel, I’m concerned that my writing won’t be good enough to keep it interesting. But I feel like maybe it’s not about that- for me- to a small degree.

If I don’t do it as a kinetic novel, and add things to make it more “interesting”, then I’ll essentially be running away as a writer. Not having any faith in myself, as it were.

So I kind of feel that it’s my duty to myself, that even if it’s not good or great, that I at least get it out and get it done. As long as I do my best, I’m sure somebody out there will appreciate the feelings I want to convey.

I know I’m not an Oscar worthy writer, but I absolutely cannot let myself believe that I can’t get better. That maybe, just maybe I’ll be able to deliver something that somebody somewhere will really care about and carry with them.

So I’m going to write it as it is. I’ll make it and just hope you’ll like it.

I know most of you follow me just for the fetish stuff and I don’t blame you if you ignore anything and everything related to GANT.

Just know that my heart is split between GANT and HIPFC. And GANT has gone without any love for far too long. )8





You already know my thoughts on the options! <3 But I say definitely go with your gut. Do what feels the most fulfilling for you. You don't have to be an Oscar worthy writer. A lot of the most popular series around have massive plot holes and weren't grade-A writing. But the emotions, the characters, and the feeling of adventure draw people in much more than fancy words. You've got this! Make the dream a reality!