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In our hotel there was a fire. But I didn’t know that when I got up. When I got up- I was only awake because I heard stomping and running up and down the halls. Then somebody turned on the fire alarm, then turned it off.

So I got up, 9th floor. I got dressed and told my wife I was going to go kick some wholesale ass, because this person was still running around at 2am. It was around that time everyone else must have been getting annoyed because all the doors started opening.

Then the alarm went off again, but this time it didn’t quit. So I asked my wife what everyone was saying:

“Everyone is just asking what’s going on.”

Then she asked, “Do you smell that?”

I did. Something was on fire.

I told her to grab her computer, and I grabbed mine. But “...leave the rest of your shit. And hurry, it’s getting worse.”

We go out in the hall and everyone is just standing there. The hall is starting to fill with white smoke. So, I asked where the stairs were. I asked why the hell nobody was using the stairs.

They all looked confused. Probably because I don’t speak the same language!

Then a security guy came and UNLOCKED the stairs. What?! Why would you lock the stairs?!

Anywho- we go onto the stairs and nobody can decide on up or down. So I go downstairs by myself to check it out. 8th floor. Smoke is worse. People down there look dizzy and lost.

I go back to the stairs and look down the staircase. There’s black smoke rising up from the floor below now. So, I head back up, and I tell everyone, “It’s coming from downstairs. We go up!”

“It’s coming from downstairs?” One Taiwanese man asked. “Yes. We go UP!”

So I grab my wife and everyone goes up to the roof and security unlocks that door as well.

We all proceeded to the left end from where we started and then... we waited. My lungs felt fine, but I’d taken in enough smoke to make me dizzy. Apparently my wife tells me she’s dizzy too.

This is where things get fuzzy. I sit down, and have my wife do the same away from the smoke... which is... every-fucking-where. But being low to the ground is the plan, because that’s how smoke works: It prefers going up.

As far as we can tell, the smoke is coming from everywhere. So we’re going to have to wait until we know more before we make a stupid escape attempt.

That’s when another security guard comes to our corner and unlocks another door and sets up some elevators. Some people are pushing to get on, but when the old man yells at them they calm down pretty quick.

We then get the old and the children and moms onto the elevator. After which I immediately grab my wife and drag her on. She is my top priority: nobody else.

A bunch of us got out with little incident. But as I observed the flame from outside we noticed a cloth being waved by someone in the room next to the fire.

I really hope they got out, but we won’t know more until information is put out.

Following that there was another individual that was shoved into the back of a police car. I do not know or have reason to suspect arson based on just that.

The fire started around 2am. It is now 5.




I’m glad to hear you and the missus are okay!


Wow dude, I am just really glad the two of you made it out alright.


Yikes! Seems like there's a challenge around every corner for you, man. Glad you're both safe!


Holy shit man! Glad you were recovered enough to think and act clearly... im glad you guys made it out and i hope that person with the cloth did too... Jesus.. if it was arson i hope they throw the book at the guy