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Remember that poll thing?! This is about that poll thing. I wanted to do something to relax after I started feeling sick again... so I did this. Because laying down and not doing art is depressing, and I'm not about that life.

It's the winners of the poll: THE SUCCUBUS "ROIX" and THE ELF "STALTH"

The names are meant to sound like what inspired their entire relationship: MYTH AND ROID - "VORACITY"

Song: https://youtu.be/uhlfcFzsLGU (It'll make more sense if you listen to AMA LEE's English version here: https://youtu.be/bZsvL7-ovGw )

Anywho- the character sketch sheet is incomplete. We need more expressions from the two, but I'm still sick, tired and I have to finish some commissions.

So for now, fun time is over! But I'm hoping to eventually model these two in 3D, or at least do some fun sketches/art with them.

Vague Character Relationship Breakdown:

STALTH: Stalth is a very anti-social shut in that lives in a cottage in the heart of a cursed forest and has very little to do with her own kind. She's very simple and pure- spending most of her time gardening and caring for the forest's otherwise deadly wildlife. Her experience with physical and emotional contact with creatures like herself is entirely non-existent... until she's found by Roix.

ROIX: Roix is an extremely playful Succubus. She enjoys any kind of thrill she can find, whether or not it's violent or simple and silly in nature. Being immortal, there's not a lot she hasn't done... at least as far as being a Succubus is concerned. Until recently, she was also extremely powerful. Weakened, she found refuge in Stalth's cursed forest... where she stumbled upon her cabin.

Both girls form a symbiotic relationship: Stalth and Roix depend on one another to feed each other's... "Needs". Roix is excited by her new WILLING victim, who constantly surprises her with unknown facets of her seemingly bland personality. Stalth has a necessary companion to fill a void in her life- one which she couldn't get rid of even if she really wanted to and... enjoys the role of victim in her case. Together they do more than survive: They can live.


That's all for now!




Curious Sellsword

I love them! Look forward to seeing more when you get the time :) I hope you feel better soon!!