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I am now in discussions with the current Voice Actors and Voice Actresses I've selected.

THE AUDITIONS: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/how-i-paid-for-college-monthly-visual-novel

So far, my choices from the available auditions are:

CALLAGHAN Cassandra - Mikitanii (Fan favorite)

IKARI Yoko - elusivevoice (My Favorite)

KANEDA Kira - LillithPurdue

SHIMIZU Ne - jva25

FUKUI Mon - ScarlettsFF (Who I am also talking to about GO Minami)

KAWAGISHI Nozomi & IMAI - Sama - tiffany witcher vo (Her voices are distinct enough to allow them to talk to one another, plus she's PERFECT for Kawagishi. - My personal fave character, as you know.)

TSUTSUI Shiho - Zapanda

MALE PC - ediolosa (His audition made me cry. He ad-libbed the whole damn thing, but... just go listen, I was laughing so HARD.)

FEMALE PC - SD machinima (You can find her audition under IKARI Yoko. She will be submitting a new one today for the FEMALE PC. You'll love her laughter in the audition!)

So far I have heard back from just a few of them and will get back to you all once it's all set in stone. Anyway, cheers for now! 8)




I love how the auditions turned out. The dub will be great. For Yoko I could also imagine erinwyvoices . They both nailed it IMO. :) So excited now... I can hardly wait! :)