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I have (temporary) music picked out~! All the sprites are complete (For the most part!) and now I've started outlining all of the cutscenes for the first test demo I'll send ya'll's way!

My plan WAS to complete it all today- but life, as you know, tends to like to throw things your way whenever you get TOO inspired. LOL!

I went from being on hold for two hours on one call, to landing myself at the Department of Motor Vehicles today. SO YOU KNOW HOW THAT GOES!

Anywho- You'll notice two new girls! That actually aren't new~! They were in the first few strips of the strip but you never saw their faces. (They teased Cassandra about Yoko hunting for her, and later came to fetch Yoko and Cassandra for the Principal.)

As for the new scenes that are sketched out: They take place before Yoko gets in the car with Cassandra in the first strip. Explaining one thing that nobody ever asked about: Why Cassandra is wearing half of her school uniform on the drive home.

Also expect episodes of Cassandra's Fiction. That means Tickle Torture in the Zombie Apocalypse, Wild West, Science Fiction, Noir and anything else her pervy little tickle fetish mind can fantasize about.


For now- I'm off on a one day trip and then BACK TO GET THIS FIRST PROJECT DONE!

