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Just taking a short hiatus while my lungs recover from a series of flights equaling 13 hours and a 10+ hour drive from Florida to my home state. Which was fraught with peril. And a pair of needlenose pliers popping the tire of my rental vehicle. Anywho, I changed my tire but- my lungs are still fucked from the 30k feet and long ranged driving.

Will be back soon! And intending to open commissions again that time! 

However, since you are my backers I'll fill you in more appropriately!

Per my Discord:

Came in on my 12 hour flight. And it got delayed, so we missed our final flight out of Florida. 

So I says, fuck ya'll, because they didn't want to take responsibility and actually wanted us to pay extra money to take a new flight. A day later. With no coverage for a room, food, etc. 

So, I rented a car to take a 10 hour drive. Not realizing my lungs were so fucked from the cabin pressure of 30k+ feet that I get sick an hour into the drive. 

I spend the next 9+ hours sick, unable to switch with wife because she doesn't have a license. (In the USA.) 

Then go to gas station during the last two hours. A pair of needle nose pliers puncture my tire. I get to learn how to change a tire on this new truck. 

Random people see me, and three people charge in to help me. By this point I've gone 23 hours without proper sleep. 

I'm dizzy, but these people are the shit. We change my tire and I get on my way. My family hearing of the issue drive an hour out from home to meet me. 

Spend the next two days unable to really speak due to lung fuckage. BUT I SURVIVED! 8D

Apparently getting holes blown in my lungs in the military means: They get super fucked by air pressure and air pollution.


Apparently, since I landed in Florida.

There is a TOLL ROAD.

So you owe dollars for every 5-6 miles you drive.

But I just came from Germany so...

No dollars.

So I tried to exit the interstate to get dollars/change.


So I just, you know, said fuck it and drop until I got out of the state.

Will pay the tolls post... um... toll-age.

But yeah.

You gotta pay tolls to get off the interstate to get change to pay the tolls.

So if you don't enter the interstate with change to pay the tolls in Florida you have to pay fines for not paying the tolls to get off the interstate to get change to pay the tolls you have to pay to get off or stay on.

Florida is the biggest scam in human history."




Shit dude. Sorry you've had to ride through such a shit-storm. Rest well; hope you have a swift recovery.