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My wife is now the sole Queen of my Discord! (See what I did there???)

She is the exact opposite of me and a thousand times easier to get along with if you like to argue or be a smartass.

Personally, I was going to delete the whole thing in one week! Now the only thing, it looks like, that she will delete is GENERAL chat.

I had intended to delete the chatroom server because it had gone dark after I handed out bans for pedophilia (lolis), cat fishing and people informing  me that they were under 18.

In other instances, I’ve learned that people online hate being disagreed with, in even a minor capacity. And a lot of people don’t consider arguments to be productive anymore. Or even how to have a productive argument.

But it’s the internet and nobody really watches what they say. 

Obviously, I should have known.

So anywho, expect a quiet, gentler ninja mod. As opposed to the back of my hand.

Cheers! 8)

DISCORD: discord.gg/2VCp38g 



Hahaha that closing paragraph