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A lot can happen when you're trapped fighting unlimited Heartless in the world of Darkness.

And when it comes to the Heartless... some things could become a little more interesting than just killing you.






"..." How long had it been since she had strength enough left to cry out? Aqua's body moved on it's own accord, washing and churning amidst the wave upon waves of Shadows. Her Keyblade taunted her, flowing within reach before cascading back outward again. She tried to focus on her vanishing Keyblade, on the sea of yellow eyes in the darkness the enveloped her as she pushed and struggled with all of her might against it, ANYTHING SHE COULD to take her mind away from...IT! Aqua gritted her teeth! Sweat bowled from every pore! Tears streamed from her eyes! She wanted to scream, TO SHRIEK! Yet her hoarse and ravaged throat no longer had the ability! Their claws, which could normally rend armor asunder, was now expertly going to work on her exposed and helpless flesh...but, not with cutting it, but by scratching it, by...by TICKLING IT! The effect was UTTERLY MADDENING! The Shadows encasing her in such a way and employing the method of torment had caught her completely off guard. At first she was certain that such an act was child's play. However, as time wound PAINFULLY on...there were no breaks as the Heartless lived up to their namesake, tormenting the soles of her tender feet and heels without cease, employing every conceivable method of pinching and prodding her tender stomach and ribcage imaginable. Her body was spared no remorse from these cruel monstrosities, with Aqua just barely managing to cling to her sanity by a hairs breadth. And that hairs breadth continued to tumble in and out of her reach...would she be able to claim her keyblade...would she be saved...would she be forever doomed to The Darkness...