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"Kurumu and Mizore have gotten fed up with Inner Moka's arrogance and  have decided to teach her a lesson. The have tied her up in one of their  dorm rooms, and began mercilessly tickling her." - Behemoth

[POSTERS from left to right are: BLEACH, FLIP FLAPPERS, STEIN'S GATE  (Behind the dresser) and STEIN'S GATE 0, which is now airing! Go watch  it!]


Cheers! 8)

(A commission by BEHEMOTH!)




Oh my! Great work!!! Kurumu's face... XD what a little shit


InDEED! My wife and I have loved this series for quite a long time and I feel that this picture PERFECTLY personifies the attitudes on display by the main three at play here in a most EXQUISITE fashion. The rage of Inner Moka being cowed into utter submission by being FORCED to express weakness before these...these LESSER creatures. HOW DARE THEY?! Oh...would they EVER PAY for what they've EGREGIOUS error! But...for now, by the GODS does it ever tickle! And would she give ANYthing to ANYone to make it end! Next you see Kurumu the Usurper on FULL display! Utilizing ever last ounce of her succubus powers, technique and pride, oh that pride, to FINALLY put that Moka right where she belongs, under her heel...or heels in this case. Her frantic laughter and pleading was music to Kurumu's ears. DeFEETing the strongest version of Moka was her greatest triumph and soon she would present her trophy to Tsukune and he would have no choice BUT to choose her over the defeated Moka and the subservient Mizore. Ah and Mizore, here you can see her in a rare moment of ACTUAL ENJOYMENT! As rarely we NEVER get to see that Poker Face slip, but here, here is an exception. And why shouldn't it be? Joining Kurumu in the torment of a vampire, a destructive force of nature and bringing her to her knees, a giggling, bubbly schoolgirl...it'd be enough to melt the heart of any icy heart. Yeah man, this pic is AH-MAY-ZING and I just got lost in the moment...whew.