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Just a heads up but I’ll be opening commissions soon and ya’ll will know FIRST! Basically back in September my wife and I had our first official wedding that we were actually present for! (Our first was BY Proxy because I was military at the time.)

Anywho, I booked our Honeymoon for April when we will be taking our first cruise together!!! Since my wife is Taiwanese and not rich she has never been spoiled before. I’m not rich either but- damned if I’m not gonna do my best to spoil her!!!

However wifi is expensive as fuck, so I need to do commissions to afford it on the cruise so we can both do work while we’re on it. In other words: I need wifi so i can update you guys with any art I do!!

So that’s the gist! Cheers!!!


Andrew Martinez

Well you know I'm always good to ask for an expensive piece so just let me know me open and I have an idea ^-^ oh and yes spoiling the wife is always a good thing. Hopefully she spoils you too :D

Kevin Jackson

Congratulations on the wedding! And yes, I'm down for a commission!


Great to hear, whats the process for submitting a commision request - pricing, details, etc... do we just need to email?


Sweet congrats!!!