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My personal tribute to all Taiwanese women everywhere. The most hard working, educated and beautiful creatures on this Earth that you will ever encounter. And I should know: I married one!

Oh, and Bubble Tea is wonderful. It is my second love alongside Taiwanese women. <3

Btw- If you are Taiwanese, you need to note/message me with any Nerd stores that you know of: (Anime/figure stores in Taiwan). Doesn't matter where. I'll be living in Taiwan again for a while, so HOOK ME UP!

Give me my nerd fix!


NOTE: This work was actually inspired by my favorite Taiwanese artist ever: https://nnnnoooo007.deviantart.com/


As always, please consider supporting me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/oekakitickles to see more art like this, fund more art like this and get access to exclusive arts! Cool right? ^.^/
PIXIV: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=23467795
DISCORD: discord.gg/2VCp38g




ey, i already saw this on DA before XD


I cannot draw female, shame on me XD

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

That artist link is pretty sweet. The writing in the soles is also a good looker. Oh yeah... TAYWAN NUMBAH 1!