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So, does anyone want some footage of Taiwan during the Chinese New Year? My wife got me the greatest gift ever: A GOPRO for Christmas. I'm thinking of doing some footage of one of my favorite places in the world and leaving it a review on Youtube!


I'm considering of also doing a "Nerd's Guide"/ "Collector's Guide" to Kaohsiung and Taipei in Taiwan to show people where all of the Anime Shops are.




。。。I am a main land Chinese I think Taiwan is a part of our great people republic. sooo.........


why not XD

Kevin Jackson

I'd be down to see that! I'm looking to travel to Asia this year anyway! Saving up!


I'd love to see!! I'll likely never get to travel out of country, so I'm especially hyped to see this sort of thing!


That would be awesome. Traveling is so much fun. You just have to record moments like that


Please do, never got the pleasure of seeing taiwan in person, wonder what kind of food theyve got in their markets!