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With the Holidays finally over, and things looking rather shitty on my end (Even before the holidays, mind you.), it looks like I am finally being forced to consider raising my PATREON base for art from $1 to $5.

As so many others have been doing before me.

I'll mull it over in my sleep. Feel free to chime in!



Knight of the Round

If this is any consolation, I can't speak for others but for me I would be willing to pay more. I absolutely love your artwork and comics and want to support you. Besides, I planned on up'ing my contribution anyway after I finished college. Keep drawing and Merry Christmas!


I've told you how I felt, but just to put it out there -- I support your decision. You do what you need to do. If I could afford more, I'd pledge more no sweat! So when things get better, that is just what I'll do! :) I still recommend leaving a $1 too kinda tier for us to be able to comment and support though xD just bump it up for art!


I would say fair enough. You currently offer more for less compared to most other Patreon creators I know of.

Nevenga Games

Well I'm poor so take that into account. I think having 1$ tier is important because it allows people to test the the waters. I'd recommend doing like writers and games do on patreon and tier the release. For example there may be people who only want the art but can afford to pay more to see it now. While not removing the tier that more people can afford. Like 3 dollars one week early 5$ 2 weeks early and 10$ 3 weeks early. Leaving the 1 dollar still allows new people to check it out with little risk and may pay more to see ahead right away after seeing the great art.


Hmmm well as an artist in an extremly niche field youve got to do what you feel is most represenative of who You are! I believe your art is supreme among your contemporaries, and i want to say that no matter what you will always have those who think the same!