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An important lesson? Or is Yoko projecting...?





I'm sorry, but Yoko is an idiot here. She picked up a dog that has no home. That's one of the most unselfish things ever. Yeah I get it, she has a rough past and all, but still. I don't really get why she got mad. Another nice job from you buddy! :) Absolutely worth the wait. :)


Since you expressed confusion, I'll offer my interpretation. Basically, Yoko wasn't mad until she realized Cass just tried to help the dog --but only temporarily. She made it clear she has no intention of keeping the dog. She spared it one beating, but in reality that just teaches the dog to "trust." Which, in Yoko's experience, is worse than letting her get beat once and learn not to trust. Because now, she could get hurt worse or killed by trusting the wrong people. Yoko is mad because Cass did act selfishly here. She didnt think of whats best for the dog. She spared it treatment that made her uncomfortable. She didn't think of the big picture/understand the repercussions of her impulsive act. If she intended to nurture and care for the dog, I doubt Yoko would have blown up. She's displaying the emotional response of someone with PTSD.


I see your point, and you are right. Thanks. I missed the part that she didn't have the intention of keeping the dog. Still I think Yoko was a little too harsh. Although that's kind of her thing and probably she is pretty confused and stressed at the moment.


Yes, Yoko is very harsh tongue and lashes out emotionally. I doubt she really knows how to communicate emotions properly. I also think its stress from the recent trauma tickling. Cass was short sighted on that too lol