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So I thought about this long and hard. I mean, I've had FUCKING YEARS to think about it... so I finally decided that I won't officially start this unless I OFFICIALLY JUST GO AND START THIS.

I designed the characters, wrote so many scripts, redesigned the characters, copywrote them all through the copyright office a number of fucking times. And I even had a custom cellphone case made for my iphone to REMIND me to do this comic every single day that I looked at it. And that was years ago. The case is breaking apart now!

So I hope ya'll enjoy. It's not a Tickling comic. It's not a fetish comic. Of course you'll see plenty of bare feet and the occasional Tickling. Cause you know... I do draw those things.

But again- this isn't a fetish comic.

CHEERS! ^.^/




I say go for it make it official


Sweet! Youve definitely got the skills for story, characters and art, looking forward to it