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The school students are haunted by their spiritual beliefs! Yoko loses her goddamned mind and Cassandra panics in an attempt to shut her up. But... what does she mean by "...punish you some more...?".

(Note: Committing suicide in a red dress is believed in Chinese culture to give you great power as a vengeful spirit in the afterlife. However in Japanese culture this is irrelevant, but they tend to appear in a red dress when they are evil or about to lay a curse upon you.)




Cubi Studios

Damn, maybe Cass has it in her to be the dom after all. I didn't expect Yoko to lose it so fast but in that last panel she finally does look like she is ready to submit to whatever she has to do!

Andrew Martinez

Any Chance Since We Are On Ch. 60 Getting A .rar file of all the chapters so far???


Always nice to see the "weaker" person tickle the stronger person