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So yeah. The original HIPFC comics took me like 20 min tops. They were pieces I threw together based on an idea I had while riding in the passenger side on the way to the dump with my pops. Like, what if someone offered me a million dollars to be their tickle slave? Would I do it? If it was a good looking or cute woman: of course. I'm shallow like that. I'd take the money because I'd enjoy it, not because I need it.

And I was in a bad place at the time after getting out of the military. I had pretty much been disavowed and left for dead by my own command. Which, when you're as good a soldier as I was, is a massive fucking hit to your own self worth. On top of that, my lungs were fucked (still are) and I had been pretty hard pressed to hit rock bottom. So that's where Yoko came in. I was just smoking a cigarette in the truck and looking out the window. Anything anyone said to me went in one ear and out the other.

I was in space. I felt absolutely nothing about anything. No depression- No anger- just apathy.

That's Yoko. That's where she came from. As for Cassandra, she's like, a younger, happier, far richer me- if I was a chick unburdened by the need to try and be a badass all the goddamn time. She's that part that just wants to help everyone, and see the good even if it continually blows up in her face. It's her own form of punishment. She's hurting too, and she blames herself for everything that goes wrong. Nobody is to blame but her. She hates herself.

She's the real fuckup. Not the thugs, or the bullies or the crackheads at school. That's just not how she sees things. And Yoko is like... the one person that doesn't make her feel like a waste of space, or a fuck up.

So we end up with two girls who both see themselves as a waste of fucking space- But neither of which has earned such a title by anyone but themselves. Sure, the kids at school all say that about Cassandra, but she actually made her mind up before any of them had a chance to open their mouths. That's just how she is.

So I guess, both girls are just the most sincere, fucked up parts of my personality. And I love it. I love doing this.

Sure, I think I'd like to do an action comic, like GANT, that one Sci-Fi one I've teased at. But in some twisted, kind of fucked up way, this is personal.

So that's cool too.

(Anyway, here's a comparison of the new Manga page of the first STRIP! Just for my fucking awesome Patreon backers. ^.^)




Thank you for sharing that. It's amazing how much of ourselves finds its way into our work in the end, whether we mean for it to or not. In the end, that humanity is truly what breathes life into art. That's why I said to you to keep on keepin' on, man. My wife and I still fanatically clamor over to the screen whenever you post an update to see where things are headed because we love the life you've breathed into this art, this story. It is truly magnificent. So, party on, Wayne. 🙂


I'd give you the best fucking fist bump right now. But you know... not... in the same room... or... country... yeah.

Curious Sellsword

^Wayne's World, my friend! I second what Xannix000 said - it's not hard to see the love and care you put into your work, especially this manga! I can't wait to see how things turn out for our heartbroken girls. Here's hoping, down the road, they can learn to love themselves!


Agreed with the above. When we can bring ourselves to our art, the truth of it all shines the brightest (as dark as it may be) That's what makes the characters and the stories most compelling and interesting. That's what draws the audience in. Because the artist has given a piece of themselves to these characters and that spark of humanity is being related to or connected to. So I echo the thanks, both for sharing your truth and honesty as well as your work and dedication to this tale.


I'm glad you get to outlet those sides of your personality into characters people can grow to love for you. I also saw the aim icon and immediately had that thousand mile stare as I heard that dial up "track" in my head. Wow. Way to take me back while already taking me back to the beginning of this wild ride. lol