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THE BIG FIVE-OH! BEHOLD! Pure Animes. My Anime backgrounds need work, but hey, the girls look the best they ever have. So there's that. Finally able to show off Yoko's true natural sexy. Yiisssssss.

DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR THIS STRIP HERE!: www.topwebcomics.com/vote/22091 so I can get more readers! ^.^/ (You can vote ONCE A DAY per machine! DANKE!!!)


Yoko is pissed, and taking it out on Cassandra! Of course, maybe Cass should like... talk with Yoko first? But then... there was no time to plan. I can't take anyone's side here! Who's right?! WHO'S WRONG?! Doesn't matter! Tickle Torture coming soon! But HOW and WHY?!?!?!

Ye shall see.




Curious Sellsword

The anticipation is killing meeee 💀 great stuff man!


This does look fantastic!!! I am in love with that second panel though... the HAIR. I love how silky it is and it just... contours to that body. B)


Wonder what the principal will do once he finds out Yoko's weakness :)

Philip Flintosh

I have a feeling I know what's coming and I love it! If I'm right, if I'm not I'll still love it but I think I know how the tickling is about to happen! :D


I'm really looking forward to the tickling, but I do enjoy the story. Speaking of story... I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, considering there have been like fifty strips of this comic already, but... When do we ever get any insight of Cassandra's mom? Or was that already mentioned, and I forgot? I mean, we know about her father, but what about her mother?