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Decided that I liked the thinner lines better. Because consistency reasons. So Cheers! 8D!

DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR THIS STRIP HERE!: www.topwebcomics.com/vote/22091 so I can get more readers! ^.^/ (You can vote ONCE A DAY per machine! DANKE!!!)


Well, that was rather realistic of the man. I'm sure evil people NEVER conceal their actions by acting like good people when the opportunity calls for it. Nope. Never. I NEVER saw this happen in the military. No. Not once. I'm sorry: Was that not enough sarcasm for you? Fine then. Here you go: DRAGON BALL EVOLUTION WAS POSSIBLY THE GREATEST DRAGON BALL FILM EVER.

There. Go take a shower now. Cause that was just dripping.




Nuciferyne (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 18:12:27 Creamy 😋
2017-07-17 07:59:26 Yoko doesn't get expelled... and Cass gets to see her fantasy fulfilled! Yoko's gotta work for that money. 8)

Yoko doesn't get expelled... and Cass gets to see her fantasy fulfilled! Yoko's gotta work for that money. 8)