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After Monkey D. Luffy leaves Amazon Lilly for the last time to train for several years,  Boa Hancock  falls deeper and deeper in love. However, as time passes she believes her feelings for Luffy might falter in time, leading to her own eventual betrayal! Paranoid, she looks for ways to cling to these feelings, by finding out from someone... anyone; just what they might mean!

Talking to most of the women of Amazon Lilly appears fruitless, until she speaks with  Marguerite who... having harbored feelings for Luffy herself, finds it easier to explain.

"It's like butterflies. A tickling in your stomach... I guess."

Certain she understands, Hancock departs.

Several weeks later she summons both  Marguerite and  Rindo to her private quarters. Informing them of her plan to ensure that she never forgets the feelings most important to her.

She is certain that this tickling that Marguerite refers to as being in her stomach... is much stronger than that! A tickling feeling throughout her whole body! She informs the girls of her plan - a secret that will never leave the room.

While terrified of bondage... having been enslaved in the past... her fear was overcome by something much greater: The fear of forgetting about how she feels about her first and only true love!!

Seconds in to their first session, Hancock squealed: "Yes!! This is it!! This is the feeling!!!"



Mana Ray

Hot story and I love it when they ask to be tickled!

Andrew Martinez

Now that's hot ^-^ love the story too


And a short story to go along with it. Nice!


HOT HOT HOT! Both the story and especially the picture. ^_^