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What's THIS?! A sudden jump in quality?! Well, I stopped using Photoshop and swapped it out for MANGA STUDIO! (Unless I'm adding sound effects like the GRAB and SNAP!)

Anyway, Yoko seems to have a lot on her mind. Where is Kira being called to? And the title of the strip? Yeah, that's actually referring to what Yoko does in the last two panels - Not the bullying. Yelling at someone or throwing punches is actually pretty easy compared to how fucked up you gotta be to casually grab someone's nose and snap it.

Speaking of: It takes 9 lbs of pressure to snap your nose- so consider that before you get spunky with someone. Note that you shouldn't walk into a fight without considering that you might get messed up too. I mean, I can hold and lift a 20lb bell on my thumb alone- and there are plenty of guys bigger than me. So if pain isn't your thing- it's best to avoid fights altogether.

It's ALWAYS best to talk it out. Avoiding a fight never makes you a coward. How big of a coward do you have to be to think you always need to hurt someone that simply offends you or your friends?

Yoko is about to learn that lesson. (Spoiler alert!)

CHEERS! ^.^/
