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Just something I drew up SPECIFICALLY TO LET YOU ALL KNOW - There will  be no more HIPFC or ANYTHING until I finish BOUND BY DUTY #03! I'm  close! But it needs to be finished! D8< And I know that not everyone  reads my journals or status updates! THAT and I wanted to draw the girls  again. That and drop hints! We got swim-team stuff coming up! SPOILERS!  Sorta. Anyway, Kira invites Cassandra to join the Swim Team. BUT WHY?!

As for the latest Deviantart Poll: http://michaelscottcannon.deviantart.com/journal/poll/6737767/ . I'm still thinking about it. There's some funny  shit I could do if military style (Gundam-esque) robots existed! It  also plays well I think considering how I'm managing to put a  supernatural thing into the strip as well. I'm sure it's all about  delivery. But for some people, no matter how I delivered it, it could  just put a wrench in that whole immersion thing. *SIGH*

Anyway, that's all for now! I'll still respond to everyone! BUT FOR NOW: SLEEP!




Knight of the Round

Oekaki, I will accept this decision only because you are using it to finish BOUND BY DUTY #03. I have been waiting on that issue ever since I purchased the first two. Just so you know how much you hurt me with this decision, know that I have loved HIPFC and the Cassandra series since the start, and it hurts my heart for them to be on hiatus (I read each chapter within 2 hours of getting the notification). I might need a doctor for the emotional trauma this will cause, but it's for a good cause. I love all of your work. You are one of the few artists (one of only 3 that I will purchase comics from) that I love. Keep doing what you do. I can't wait to see what you do with BBD. Best Regards!

Curious Sellsword

In somewhat related news, I just bought the first two Bound By Duty comics. 👌🏼