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So, past month, I lost once again a lot of Patreon that or complaining because they didn't want to pay taxes or by the fact that I don't produce enough, I mean sorry, it's getting VERY hard. I know lots will take others as an example, but lots have Patreon as their main drive or have a part-time job, I don't, I have a full time job that require to do a lot mentally. It drives me crazy sometimes and most of the time, when I come home, I sleep, as simple as that, my only free time is during the weekend where I try to draw but also take care of myself... And as someone who doesn't take care of himself AND is getting kinda old (42), backaches strikes me constantly, and I try to lose weight after the covid (couldn't move or basically only slept for a full week).

My deepest and sincere apologize for some who just came here, pledge $4 (where I receive only $2-$3 with my own taxes, Patreon taxes and PayPal charge and transfer) for less than one month and literally steal 1000 artworks and leave a bad comment about my productivity, I mean, please, give me a break and no, I can't lower it, my Patreon is set in USD as your advantage, I can't switch back to EURO, so just lowering to $3 would mean literally $1 on my pocket, I would rather cease my Patreon if I do that...

Just know, it's getting harder, and I make that kind of post in public mode, so anyone can see them, I'm not trapping users or anything but negative feedback really hurt me, not my fault if there are taxes are anything really, I do pay my part here.

Plus, I mean, check my posts, there's like no comments, like 0-4 likes at most, I can't tell if there's something wrong, but I would gratefully answer you in pm or under the posts, I always do that.

Just for you to know that I won't post 8 artworks a month as I use to, this month I have invited my mom to Paris and paid everything, I won't have my computer for a full week, after that, I will see my family and hopefully be more productive.

Hope you all understand, I have to take care of myself and I sadly don't have much time. If I draw during the weekend only that mean for each artwork it's basically 4-8 hours of work, If I do 2 artworks, it means that my whole weekend is behind my screen, drawing.

Thanks a lot for your comprehension.




I'm sorry to hear that the most vocal part of the people here are the naysayers. And I'm sorry if over here I don't really show much support or appreciation - I don't find myself very comfortable with the platform over here - but it really shouldn't be you suffering from that. Folk tends to forget that behind the account is a real person with their own real struggles and, especially when we aren't paying you a living wage with Patreon alone, it's unrealistic to have such high expectations of huge production... except when the word "huge" concerns the guys in your art. XD Even if I may not comment or fave on stuff, every piece you make is always such a great gift, worth much more than the few bucks I send your way every month. Don't stress yourself out over the rude/needy comments, and do take care of yourself... sounds like you really need it.


You do what you need to do - you have made it clear this isn't your dedicated place and that you have a life and full time job elsewhere. Whoever is complaining either has not paid attention to your previous posts and updates, or is being difficult for no good reason. Their loss, even though it still affects you. My partner and I like your work and understand your situation. You still get our support :) Hope your mom's visit goes well and hopefully work stops being so intense, too!


Thanks a lot, sadly from what I learn we will have even more work to do soon v v