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So I wish I had more good news for you, but sadly no, where do I even start...

Ok, first, someone in my office broke her arm and the doctor give her more than 1 month of sick day BUT the plot twist is that 2 people in my office are on holiday at the same time, it means that I'm alone doing the job of 4 for AT LEAST 2 weeks...

Second, heatwave, at 9am, the temperature was already at 35°c (95°f) and the afternoon it tops at 42°c (108°f). I bought a small AC but it's not super effective and it's hard to work with loud noises (my flat is super small).

Third, we are now in a all mask policy, we need to wear the mask all the time inside and outside buildings, would be ok if it wasn't during the heatwave tbh, it's for at least the whole month of August.

And for the final point, it's super stupid, I sleep really really bad lately, been sick and such, yada yada, so I decided to change my mattress but guess what, they don't deliver due to the covid, and the delivery is at least 29€ (34$) and even paying they said "mmmm will be deliver in one or 2 weeks" the fuck? So I was with my friend and his car is too small and no, none of the shops had those folded mattress and I don't want an inflatable one, my back doesn't like it much.

I'll try to draw something this week end (I mean today, it's Sunday), I know I said it already but there's seriously nothing much I can do about now.

Goodluck everyone, have a nice day
