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First, hope you are all safe with what happens in the USA currently, second, I thanks to all my Patrons who support my work. I now have more than 1000 arts posted, thanks!

On another note, it's that time of the month where Patrons leave because they are not satisfied or simply because the wanted something and just leave when they get it. Know that with the pandemic I have to work at home eating more and more my time and stressing me to a new level (My flat is super tiny, my bedroom is my kitchen and my working space) so it's getting very hard to post art on a weekly basis plus I get sick more than once (I feel better now).

It's very hard but I'm trying my best to post as much as possible monthly. Anyway, I try to post at least 1 to 2 arts a week, for example, this month,  I posted 16 artworks and an edit, so it's 4 based on a weekly basic, I can't top that really. I'll continue to draw of course but it's really hard for me when a Patron leave saying that "I'm not productive enough".

Also please consider that all the money you give goes to donations and other artists and that 4$ I ask is like 2,5$ for me, If I go under that I receive almost nothing and that new European tax coming isn't going to help (I can't do anything for that, sorry).

Please, don't consider that as a critic really, I know some want porn that I don't do and more content from what they like, I just need time.

My main point is, thank you, thanks a lot for what you do and the love you put to my work, you all are awesome!

Big hugs everyone!


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