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So, I guess some people expected to post more due to the quarantine but that's actually the opposite. I'm forced to go to work and walk there despite of all the warning, gosh if I have the virus, I will kill everyone ha ha and there's a LOT of work for no apparent reasons. I also had to cancel my holidays and nope, no refund for the hotel and the plane so yeah, money lost...



That's not right, they should've at least given you a fair percentage of your money back


I managed to get my money back from the train but from Easyjet and Expedia hotel, the cancel button is greyed and there's nothing I can do.


In general that's not fair, but at least you got some money back from another form of transport (Omg you responded to me! 😆 Btw huge fan and finally able to support through here)


Awww ha ha I always do my best to answer everyone as much as I could actually^^


So cool haha