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So it's no secret that my number of posts decline since some times and well I have to give you some explanations. The job I have to do drastically increased while the number of employee drastically decreased leading to being very very tired going back home which often lead to go to bed without eating, leaving the only time to draw for my weekend.

For those who believe I do amazing stuffs during my free time, nope, I quit playing video games and I honestly draw at 80% solely for my Patrons now. I'm even questioning myself if I should continue or not (you might not notice, but I receive something like 65% of what you pay due to taxes and all, it's still a huge supports really but the issue is people constantly complain about everything I do PLUS people are still leaving during pay day).

ALSO that's my big point, just in case people still believe that, my Patrons money is made for others, I give it to other artists and support them, I don't or rarely use it for my own good, so not having money will simply lead into giving up all my people.

So what do you think ? The result MIGHT no reflect what I will do but still I want your opinion, thanks in advance.



Honestly, I'm not sure what to suggest. I don't mind the $4/month because you've tried to be clear about what's happening. You're going through some rough times. I don't mind contributing at this amount if it helps you do something you love and feel less stressed to do it.

David Corsaire

Dear Ronan, i completely understand what you're going through ... 1 year ago i had to go through some bad times in my life too ... with a lot to do in my job and a big moving, giving me less and less time to create quality stuffs for my patrons, and still being under pressure to make good stuffs for them that would worth their money. And yes it's hard to see your patrons living before pay day ... but that's the game and hopefully they are a few to do so. So my opinion is don't give up like i did, because you will regret it. Just be honest with your patrons, and the ones that trully want to support you will stay. Hugs