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I wanted to thanks everyone for that month and sorry for that month. I'm trying my best to post as much as possible, as many stuffs as possible and try my best to post exclusive. You have to know that I've been invaded by bedbugs and basically they suck my blood for 2 weeks without myself noticing. I started to have "allergies" but it was bites of those bugs and they became VERY big, only recently the exterminator came and I hope they are gone for good. I have to say that costs me A LOT because I had to pay for the guy and I'm already over 200$ to eradicate them so every pennies is quite welcome and I thanks you a lot. Now, I'm recovering from those slowly and sleep a lot.

Thanks again everyone xxx



Can you smoke them out like mosquitoes? 🤔 Hope you’re okay, Ron.

LoveGiants (Polyamorous) Seeking 4 BrotherHusbands

Use Diatomaceous Earth &amp;/or this website is pretty good <a href="https://www.naturasil.com/collections/kill-bed-bugs-with-all-natural-bed-bug-patrol-spray" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.naturasil.com/collections/kill-bed-bugs-with-all-natural-bed-bug-patrol-spray</a>


That's what I used before the exterminator came^^ but the issue is that those bugs goes along my ceiling and drop on my... I'm having a hard time knowing how they do that, thanks!