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So I've not had a lot of followers, and thats okay, but I'm losing some more and more of what I did have that I've been thinking.

Since I dont post here as often as other places, do you think I should just close down this place finally and stick to things like Twitter and the like, or do you all just prefer I try to post here from time to time the special pics and upload what I can?



As a quick note for anyone reading, would you prefer to see sketches here and finished works posted everywhere, or finished works here first and sketches anywhere?


I'd say just post stuff everywhere at the same time. Early access to finished works would be an incentive but it's also kinda annoying to deal with on your end. I personally prefer getting the feedback to my works from all channels at the same time. So I guess that one is really up to you.


i do not use Twitter. :(