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Hey guys, panda here. I was discussing Patreon with a friend and I decided that within the next week or so I'm going to be changing my patreon tiers to be more like tip jars and completely optional.

To start: High Rez will now be entry level at either 1 or 3 dollars. Ideally, its meant to say "Hey, take a look!" rather than be exclusive.

I don't really have anything to add into higher tiers so I'll be doing it in increments of 1, 3, 5,  and a handful more up until 50. 50 is going to be the highest value you can pay per months and its all going to be considered a monthly tip, so to speak. I'll look into reward values at higher tiers and consider what to add over time, however for now they will be tip-jar style tiers.

Second, a big change will be posting time. Since I want to make you guys feel like you're actually helping me out, I'm going to be holding back posting on other sites for 3-7 days after posting on Patreon. It'll give me some time, so to speak, to double check information and the image quality while still giving you guys what you want.

That one is still up in the air but I'm considering it.

Anywho let me know what you all thing! <3



Sounds good to me. I figure holding back from posting in other places may help you get more people on Pateron, and I don't think 3ish days is an excessive amount of time. I wonder if it would be worth doing cropped teasers for non Paterons to encurage donations or if that would be scummy?


Hmm good question. I'll have to look into it more but honestly it sounds like a decent idea!