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So this was a character idea a friend and I came up with and ooh did it take way too long to get onto paper. But, I'm happy with the design thus far so this is how its staying!

Kinna was a mischevious sort who enjoyed music, tales (Tall or otherwise), and often a little sense of trouble. Like many yordles she hailed from Bandle City where she lived her life as a performer in her comfy hometown. Hearing tales of traveling yordles throughout the realm set a sense of wanderlust in Kinna who then sought to see the sights of the world. Worried she might need some protection she asked anyone she could find for something to help her until she met a blacksmith with a crazed look in his eye who saw fit to equip her with an instrument as deadly as it was enchanting; An enchanted Lute-Axe. With a pluck of her strings she could compel others to sing and dance or instill drowsy charms on any would-be foes just long enough to sneak her way out of trouble. If the enchanted strings didn't work, there was always the blade...

Kinna the Yordle belongs to me, :iconnudeknightart:



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