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Hey there, now I’m bringing you a dungeon/cave location this time. Those who don’t wish to make up their own story for this map could find the matching mini 5e adventure for characters of level 8-9 very valuable.

(Click here for a high-resolution image) 

In a cave high in the mountains, the oracle of Thylos dispenses his wisdom. From across the land, supplicants bearing offerings—ranging from simple food to rare treasures—come to the cave to receive answers to their questions. One such petitioner was the void cultist Amydra hoping to explicate the meaning of an ancient inscription. Not satisfied with the oracle's answer, Amydra returned with members of her cult, overwhelmed the acolytes and captured the oracle. The characters seek the wisdom of the oracle. In a nearby town, they hear that all recent petitioners have been turned away, with some never returning at all. The townsfolk whose livelihood depends on visitors to the oracle beg the party to investigate.

This circular, domed room is walled only on one side. On the other side, four columns uphold the roof, leaving it open to the dark cavern into which the room is cantilevered.

This cavern descends 50 feet from the platform in a series of terraces, each roughly 10 feet lower than the last. The roof dome reaches a similar height upwards...
...The presence of the echo demons fills the cavern with their Aura of Cacophony, though the source may not be immediately obvious. If they spot the characters entering the cavern from the platform, the demons fly in and attack....

Which of the mini-dungeons did you DM already? Which one did you like the most? Should you have any experience, great memory, or advice, please share them in the comments.

Get the maps and this cool adventure here. 

Thank you for your continued support!


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