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Some of you might wonder why maps got released with a bit of a delay this month. The reason for this is a little fairy arriving into our family. Earlier this month my daughter was born and I failed my Wisdom saving throw and got charmed. Side effects are a few levels of exhaustion. Now you can understand and hopefully forgive me for turning all maps into pink.

I have never created a Feywild map before. Not only because it’s been a wholly new world for me, but because this topic requires extra care and attention - you just can’t jump right into it. I wanted to do something special and I wanted to make it perfect. I have been looking for the right approach that fits into the well-known and expected picture and is a bit different at the same time.

I have to say I’m satisfied with the result and very curious about your opinion, too.

This is a two-part map pack, but for convenience, I'm posting all the maps in this post. Let's see what I have created: 

Part I - Feywild Adventures

Tree of the Dryad Queen

In one of the magical forest locations, the beautiful tree can be the home of the Dryad Queen, but it can also act as a portal through which players can enter the Feywild. 

The Throne room of the Fey

The throne room with moving flowers spraying pollen is also an exciting location, minions (pixies, perhaps?) of the Queen live in hollows in the upper parts of the tree. 

Evil Hall of the Fey

I made a dark variation that could be the nest of an evil hag. 

Yard of the Green Hag (exclusive)

Patrons who support all (or three) creations per month will get an exclusive evil version of the yard in a private message. (Will be sent on 1 March)

Part II - Feywild Adventures continued

Titania's Sacred Stone

A sacred site where trees magically form a bridge over a spring of pristine water, giving way to the sacred stone dedicated to Titania (also known as the Faerie Queen). 

Mushroom Glade

The trees and strange mushrooms in this enchanted clearing dazzle in magical colors.  

Glade in Feywild (exclusive)

A simpler version of the glade, without mushrooms and colored grass, a more general, versatile encounter scene. (This map will be sent on 1 March in a private message)

Well of Unending Relief (exclusive)

This field of colors hides ruins, among which adventurers can find a magical well. Maybe there are little fairies bathing in it? Are they friendly? (This map will be sent on 1 March in a private message)

You can even give the maps some truly magical vibes of color with Editor’s hue function - go give it a try!

News about the Editor...

More upgrades to Editor are coming by the end of May, with more functions of convenience: you can mainly look forward to some coloring of particle effects and some modifications to the particle engine that would enable coloring and the creation of particle effects in Unity for the community. A bigger particle effect pack is to be expected since Editor is being worth uploaded with effects in its total functionality. 

But until then, a new development came out last week, namely the VP8 type WebM support that takes over previous animations and makes it easier to create transparent animations. It’s not just that I will be able to create animated props more easily, but from now on you can use third-party animated props in Editor, too. 

Do you know the amazing collection of animated tokens and effects of Jack Kerouac? 

Download links to the map packs: 



Thank you for your generous, continued support!



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