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Some of you might wonder why maps got released with a bit of a delay this month. The reason for this is a little fairy arriving into our family. Earlier this month my daughter was born and I failed my Wisdom saving throw and got charmed. Side effects were a few levels of exhaustion. Now you can understand and hopefully forgive me for turning all maps into pink.

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I have never created a Feywild map before. Not only because it’s been a wholly new world for me, but because this topic requires extra care and attention - you just can’t jump right into it. I wanted to do something special and I wanted to make it perfect. I have been looking for the right approach that fits into the well-known and expected picture and is a bit different at the same time. 

I have to say I’m satisfied with the result and very curious about your opinion, too. 

It’s been quite entertaining to work on these enchanting locations straight out of a fairy-tale, so you get some more today.
I thought you can really use this map if I make the inside of the tree available for you, you'll find it in the next post

Now is the time to become a chaotic good patron, because there are a lot of locations and map variations for the Feywild. More than 95% of my Patrons chose the CG tier, join now. 


Thank you for your continued support!



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