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Hey everyone, thanks for taking the survey. I read all of them - it was a several hundred-page long read. Your feedback was useful and your advice was very inspiring!

I’m working on quite a few projects at the same time, but now I decided to focus on urban locations again and by keeping the stylistic elements you got used to. These are the first installments of a new series of city-themed maps. 

I’m going to create these locations in a way some of them can be connected to each other, and of course, there will be some inner spaces, too. The inner spaces are better to be created as separate maps because this way we’re not limited by the perspective view, you’ll end up having a large playing area and they can be used in any season.

The night versions are not only different in being dark and with the street lights on, but you can see how the vendors have all packed up their chests and counters, but left their tents set up for the next day. 

I think these maps ended up being very interesting with lots of cover for a fight scene. This is something I’ll try to keep myself to in the future, too, and I’m also planning to create some streets, that are standard enough for high replayability.

I’m interested to hear from you what could make a street, square or alleyway even more interesting.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kz8w5R5YGiYHENQqhW8gB3xC2HjL4HFc?usp=sharing 

Thank you for your continued support!




why do i not have access to this if i'm cg tier level?


This is great thx. I would however really enjoy more props to be available in the future so we can add to the scene if desired.

Didier Vinck

Waaaoow stands, this makes a great set. This setting can be modular so I hope there is more to come like this….and make a big city


Nice! I’m about to start up a waterdeep dragon heist campaign so I’m excited for all the city maps to come!


items to make a street/square/alleyway more interesting... .stray dog den .strange markings on alleyways .markings that change under the moonlight .sewer entrances .access to rooftops or upper floor entrances .blood trail .vendor at the end of an alley .snake vendor (potential battle hazard) .water tower . underground light shining through cobblestone cracks

Greg Bowering

a well (to hide in during combat or to access underground tunnels)


These are the things we need props for! There is so so so much potential for this software and props that i think is being under utilized especially now that a ton of the old props don't work in the new editor


Tamas, just fantastic!


I agree with Matt - Props props props. And Spell effects!!! Fireball, magic missile, faerie fire, hunter’s mark…


Fantastic!!! but i agree, more props. And spell effects:D


Spell effects for common spells would be awesome, ones like Ryan above suggested.


need to have a catalog that works to download the entire set of files. doing it one by one is way to cumbersome