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Mindless luxury and solitary confinement made the flexing prince realize that there’s actually one area where he’s lagging behind his brother: magic. He thought that what he couldn’t get via learning and hard work - he will get with money. He had a wizard brought to his domain from a distant land and took to (some say coerced) into service. Yet the wizard proved to be more shrewd than the prince would’ve guessed and opened a portal to his homeland and who knows where else, started his experiments and used his master’s wealth to expand his library and thus widen his knowledge. According to the latest reports, it’s not clear whether the flexing prince is the client and the wizard living beneath the palace the captive, or the other way round.

The mage had put the prisoners to some great use: they do labor at the workshops constructing god-only-knows what, and never stop digging in the lowest chambers. Maybe they are just carving out new wings for the prison, or there might be some other purpose for the tunnel leading down to the depths.

What’s more, the flexing prince made his retreat into this palace for good reasons. This once had been an ancient realm of the royal family where one can find the sepulchral vault and regal crypts, which might prove his claim to the throne. However, it’s a totally different matter why there’s a newly carved narrow passageway leading down here from the prison graveyard, and whether it’s a good idea to let the prisoners loiter around the tombstones. Of course, this tunnel is not yet known by many, and all the other secrets of the dungeon are yet to be discovered, too.

Dungeon locations of the level beneath:

III. Southern part of the dungeon

22. Winding corridor 

A decorated winding corridor is leading down here with bas-reliefs, paintings. Only one secret door is leading to the Crypt from this corridor behind a bas-relief.

23. Crypt 

Bigger sarcophagi in the main hall and smaller urns in side chambers. Everything is nicely decorated.

24. Treasury 

Heaps of gold, silver, copper and other valuables neatly organized on display - very well seen from above through the glass panel.

25. Secret treasury 

A secret treasure room for the real valuables. Pieces of art, precious stones.

26. Acid pools 

Vats of acid taking up nearly the whole room, gurgling, steam. There's a portcullis blocking the corridor to the northern area.

27. Beast 

In one space with the corridor - beware to walk these corners. Mangled bodies, bones, and blood.

28. Lab 

A staircase is leading down here from the closed section of the library. Test tubes, Petri-dishes, small bulbs and a bit of smoke.

29. Trap 

There's a secret door leading down here from the lab. Those not pressing the right buttons end up falling into spikes.

30. Portal 

A secret door opens to a portal room with a hazy, glimmering gate leading into a distant realm.

31. Bedroom 

Sleeping and working quarter of a wizard. Table, wardrobe, shelves, and a comfy bed.

32. Empty room 

There's an empty room at the end of the corridor.

IV. Northern part of the dungeon 

33. Grub station 

Draff drops down here to be measured out for the prisoners. Dirty dishes, vats, and barrels everywhere.

34. Warehouse 

Crates, barrels, heaps, and piles.

35. Servants’ quarters 

Living-quarters of servants - similar to those of the guards, but more squalid.

36. Guardroom 

Benches for guards to sit down, weapon racks. Opening mechanisms for the two portcullises locking up prisoners.

37. Torture chamber 

Stretching table, torture-cross, chains, spiked utensils, and iron maiden. The northern part of the room is a warehouse to this one and also has such "tools".

38. Scaffold 

Gallows and a stump, a huge axe and lots of blood.

39. Workshop 

Slaves work here. Work-benches, tools. The other part of the workshop with baskets in different stages of progress, sticks.

40. Cells 

Four smaller ones on one side and two larger ones on the other. Bars, chains, sacks for sleeping. Some in better, some in worse conditions.

41. Digging 

Prisoners are working on some kind of digging site, expanding the dungeon. Natural walls, irregular shapes. Wheelbarrows, pickaxes, spades.

42. Lavatory 

Raunchy and without a door.

43. Graveyard / digging 

A natural cavern for piles of trash and bodies of dead prisoners. A dug-up passageway leading to the crypts, but hidden by a larger rock.


I hope you like the new areas, this time I also include the unfurnished version. I will add a document soon with the entire description and I'll also merge the static versions. 

We say goodbye now to the flexing prince, but similar themed dungeons will be coming in the future. 

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bW74ZMIgNRIw4CDxGEhN_Bil3kVxdIJo

I've spent quite a lot of time this month on the development of the Editor, but it's actually finished, and I'll report more tomorrow. 

Thank you for your continued support!



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