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The sea is endless, yet it's full of natural hazards. Due to its incalculable size, it's quite rare for one ship to meet another one on open waters.

A newbie seafarer might lose themself and cry out in joy when seeing another sail or mast over the horizon. However, the sight curdles those old salts' stomach since they know that another ship seldom means good news. If it's a harmless merchant, then it's soon to disappear in the distance - those on board also know it's better to be safe than sorry.

Every other scenario poses a threat. An enemy ship on customs duty under the flag of a coastal nation, or simple pirates. And these are the better alternatives. They ask for help because of a disease spreading on board, or they are slave hunters ready to put the entire crew in shackles. Everyone is scared to death of these stories, yet on starless nights these are often told to newbie deck-hands and travelers, making their blood run cold, except those with the strongest will.

Nevertheless, there are encounters that seldom come up during these banters. You see just few live to tell the tale and they only remember with abject terror and blood-soaked memento. 

New scene: Forecastle

You may remember that the Sea Queen in the first maps was slightly bobbing and even had cannons, but then I improved the version without cannons and not bobbing (named stationary), based on the community vote. Now, the back of the ship with the so-called upper and poop decks and its two interiors are available, also the main deck and the foredeck, and now you get the interior (day, night) of the forecastle too. Here you can find the ship carpenter's workshop, one of the sailors' living quarters, and storage for spare sails and lines and other equipment. 

All of the - no bobbing - decks and interiors I made are moved to a new folder, here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1h0AvXmlP4PJDjyopkfOWfaVvmkMtS0vs?usp=sharing 

Pirates encounter (day / night and stormy) download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tlOLLm8OeXID9YcMU-civTs71I9AATnZ?usp=sharing

Exclusive: Ghostship encounter 

There are pirates that go further than mere robbery and forced slavery. There are ships carrying monsters and galleys long since lost, yet they come back centuries after centuries only to haunt seamen with their dark and hidden truths.
...and treasures - adds the drunken barbarian lying seasick on the lower deck.  Some weird figures nod with a faint smile on their face, but the mariners hope they'll never learn if the adventurers really meant it.

Those who have supported every creation last month and supporting all three creations this month will get a haunted version as an exclusive reward in a private message

If you don’t get the exclusive version today don’t worry, support 3 creations every month and you can pick up these exclusive items next month.

What other encounter scene should come to the Sea Queen set? 

Share your thoughts below! 

Thank you for your generous support! 



I expand the set of the enormous, beautiful SEA QUEEN with new encounter scenes. It's coming to patreon.com/dynamicdungeons



Hi, new subscriber! Is the Ghost ship version still available? I would love to run that!


Is there not an Interior Middle?


I very much like this ship but it is way to big for my party to run it. Maybe you provide a smaller ship in future, probably a carack or something? Maybe something like the Santa Maria? I would very much appreciate it! (In fact it would get me to become 3maps/month supporter instantly...


Lol I have no idea how to download it. xD Assistance?

Timothy Reyes

Just adding to Naba's comment that there seems to be no below-deck section. A little disappointing. I'm planning for my party to take over this ship and use it as their base of operations, but if they can't go below decks idk if that's gonna work.


Sweeeet! I was really hoping for a ghost ship.


SQ_stationary_upperdeck_quarters_night_gridless seems to be broken :-/


Are there animated maps for the whole length of the ship on one map?


No, because it’s too big to fit on one screen. But there is a png prop and a plain sea, so you can make your own scene, scale down the ship or position it freely, or use the galleon or the warship, that are on one screen.


I'm a new CG subscriber, is the Ghost Ship still available?


Hi Tamás, I've been lurking around as a patron for a few months and have finally gotten around to fishing through some of the older posts. The Sea Queen is amazing! However, there appears to be a few missing webm files. Specifically, there aren't any for the main deck (stationary or rocking) in the daylight, the foredeck interior also seems to be missing (again, stationary and rocking), and the plain sea (both day and night) don't have any webm versions either. Any chance of getting those? Thanks!